Top 10 Abandoned Places on Long Island

Long Island, New York, is home to a fascinating array of abandoned locations waiting to be explored. From former psychiatric hospitals to crumbling mansions, these derelict sites each have a unique history and haunting beauty.

This guide covers Top 10 Abandoned Places on Long Island, outlining the background of each site along with tips for safely visiting them. Read on to uncover Long Island’s hidden world of decaying structures overtaken by nature.

Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Kings Park Psychiatric Center

The Kings Park Psychiatric Center in Suffolk County is one of the most infamous abandoned hospitals in the United States. Constructed in 1885, the sprawling complex aimed to provide humane care for the mentally ill with cottage-style wards set among lush grounds.

At its peak in the 1950s, Kings Park was home to over 9,000 patients and thousands of employees. As attitudes towards mental healthcare shifted, the population dramatically declined. The facility officially closed in 1996, leaving over 30 buildings abandoned.

Highlights: Graffiti-covered walls, crumbling infrastructure reclaimed by vines and trees, tunnels, morgue room

Tips: Some buildings can be easily entered, but beware of unstable floors and ceilings. Visit during daylight and go with a small group.

Camp Hero Military Base

Camp Hero Military Base

Camp Hero near Montauk has an air of mystery surrounding it. Originally built as a World War II coastal defense site, it later became known as a secret government research base involved in Cold War-era conspiracy theories.

Dotted by radar towers, abandoned bunkers, and buildings, Camp Hero shut down in the 1980s. It’s vast size and remote oceanside location also make it popular among hikers and nature lovers.

Highlights: RADAR tower, underground bunkers, abandoned barracks, surrounding wilderness

Tips: Most areas can be freely explored, but avoid entering sealed bunkers. Have proper footwear and clothing for trails.

Welwyn Preserve

Welwyn Preserve

On Long Island’s prestigious Gold Coast sat the grand Welwyn Estate, owned by prominent families like the Pratts and historical figures like King Zog of Albania. The 45-room mansion fell into ruin before becoming Welwyn Preserve.

Tranquil walking trails now pass through the estate’s remnants like crumbling greenhouses, carriage houses, and gazebos. The beautiful preserve transports visitors back in time.

Highlights: Stone mansion shell, penetrating vines and trees, deteriorating outbuildings

Tips: Respect interpretative signs and blocked-off areas. Visit the official website for preserve hours.

Pilgrim Psychiatric Center

Pilgrim Psychiatric Center

Constructed in the early 20th century, the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center in Brentwood operated for decades as Pilgrim State Hospital until being downsized in the 1970s. At its peak, over 14,000 patients stayed on the massive 1,000-acre property.

While most buildings have been demolished or renovated, a few abandoned structures remain. The psychiatric center’s history adds an extra eerie and somber aura.

Highlights: Decaying interiors, graffiti art, water tower, receiving building

Tips: Some buildings may be unsafe to enter – view exteriors from a distance. Avoid trespassing onto active hospital areas.

Fort Totten Military Fort

Fort Totten Military Fort

Fort Totten is a former active military base that guarded New York Harbor from the Civil War era through World War II. Now a city park, it contains many abandoned buildings like batteries, barracks, and a hospital within its green space.

Both history and architecture buffs appreciate this site, which allows access to structures not usually open to the public. The mysterious tunnels add another element of intrigue.

Highlights: Coastal gun batteries, underground tunnels, Gothic revival architecture

Tips: Avoid entering blocked-off tunnels/buildings – view from outside. Have sturdy shoes for exploring the hilly terrain.

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center

The 200+ acre Creedmoor Psychiatric Center campus features many buildings that have been unused for years. At one point, it had a farm, church, shops, residences, and recreational facilities as an autonomous community for thousands of patients.

It’s incredible to see how nature has reclaimed sites like the crumbling Farm Colony or graffiti-filled Building 25. Just be respectful when visiting this historic site.

Highlights: Architecturally significant brick buildings, power, destroyed interiors covered in artwork

Tips: Enter with caution, as floors/walls may be unstable. Do not enter buildings clearly marked with no trespassing signs.

Camp Upton

Camp Upton

Camp Upton was a critical World War I-era U.S. Army base for training infantry troops during the 1910s. Located 70 miles east of New York City, over 30,000 soldiers lived at a time in what resembled a small city with over 1,200 buildings.

While most of Camp Upton no longer stands, decaying structures like concrete dugouts can still be found scattered throughout the training grounds, which have become a town and county park.

Highlights: Crumbling concrete dugout ruins, earthen bunker remains, plaques interpreting history

Tips: Have sturdy footwear for wooded/grassy areas. Do not enter any unsafe or blocked-off ruins.

Edgewood State Hospital

Edgewood State Hospital

Constructed during the early 1900s, Edgewood State Hospital provided care to tuberculosis patients in need of fresh air and sunshine. The large complex featured distinctive shingled buildings nestled on a peninsula reaching into Long Island Sound.

While part of the site operates today as a nursing home, many hospital wards now sit abandoned and vandalized after closing in the 1970s. The views of the deteriorating wards contrasted with the rocky coastline are stunning.

Highlights: Ivy-covered brick buildings, abandoned docks/piers, oceanfront views from crumbling rooftops

Tips: Do not enter buildings in poor condition or marked with no trespassing signs. Have proper footwear for steep shoreline paths.

Grumman Aircraft Factories

Grumman Aircraft Factories

From the 1930s to the 1990s, the Grumman Corporation manufactured innovative military planes like F-14 fighters and lunar modules at their massive aircraft factories in eastern Long Island.

While many buildings have been demolished or renovated, visitors can still find testing equipment, airplane parts, and research labs left behind over 30 years after Grumman ended production. This aviation history is unique to Long Island.

Highlights: Old airplane fuselage shells, abandoned airplane testing equipment, decrepit offices/labs

Tips: Avoid entering unsafe structures- exterior views only. Do not tamper with any equipment or controls.

Pan Am International Flight Center

The Pan Am Flight Center at JFK Airport opened in 1960 as a flashy, futuristic structure to process passengers of the iconic airline. Its unique architecture featured soaring concrete arches, glass walls, and sleek lounges with airplane views.

Ceasing operations in 1991, the abandoned terminal quickly fell into disrepair. Thankfully, after TWO decades vacant, the building was restored to house dining options while maintaining its midcentury modern style. Definitely stop by to appreciate this aviation-age icon.

Highlights: Iconic architecture, Pan Am Clipper pavilion, exhibits of airline history

Tips: Now renovated into an active commercial space – walk through public areas and view exhibits.

FAQs About Visiting Abandoned Places on Long Island

Get answers to some frequently asked questions before exploring abandoned sites across Long Island, NY:

Is it legal to visit abandoned buildings?

Laws vary – some allow exploration if no “No Trespassing” signs are posted, while others prohibit any unauthorized entry. Use good judgment and avoid illegal behavior.

What should I wear to explore abandoned places?

Wear good hiking shoes or boots along with long pants and sleeves to protect from debris and insects. Bring gloves, too.

Is it safe to visit abandoned asylums/hospitals?

These sites can be the most hazardous, with questionable structural integrity. Evaluate each building and avoid questionable ones.

Can I take stuff from abandoned properties?

No – removing artifacts or vandalizing places is unethical and usually illegal. Follow the “take only photos, leave only footprints” rule.

Are abandoned buildings in New York guarded or patrolled?

Some may have security guards, caretakers, or police patrols – if asked to leave, you should cooperate immediately and not return.

Exploring the forgotten history and decaying infrastructure across Long Island is an intriguing adventure for urban explorers. Hopefully, this list of the top abandoned places provides some inspiration along with tips for safely navigating each unique site. Respect the locations so future visitors can continue enjoying their haunting beauty.

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